6 Psychology Perspectives

These are the six psychological perspectives towards child learning:

  1. The behavioral perspective says that positive behavior programmed with targets clearly understood by the pupil. It is also important to be consistent and it is the response to follow up that matters. Involving parents in rewarding good behavior is effective in young children.
  2. The cognitive perspective says that is it important to involve pupils in reflecting on their own behavior and in setting and monitoring targets. Teachers provide strategies for the pupil to self regulate when feeling anxious.
  3. The humanistic perspective focuses on the quality of relationships with pupils. Active listening to show that they have been really heard is important to build self-esteem.
  4. The psychodynamic perspective says that pupils who have not received good enough care in the early years may have attachment anxiety and one should consider what unconscious pattern of behavior the child might be bringing to the classroom. Use interventions that help the child to process unresolved unconscious emotions in a safe way.
  1. The biological perspective says to research basic information about the pupils safety. Be aware of the medication and keep it safe.
  2. The ecological perspective says to consider the classroom and the layout. Think about the seating plan and how it may affect the pupil’s behavior. Consider the playground and sports equipment as well.
