Dialectical Reasoning

Consequences of child neglect… A parent’s decision or the provinces?

Child neglect is the failure of caretakers to provide adequate emotional and physical care for a child. There are at least 500,000 children who are neglected by their caregivers. The state should intervene in cases of child neglect.

The state should intervene in the cases of child neglect because the children also have a right to live a proper life. No like just thrown away into trash or ignored because they cry too much or you don’t have the needs that you need to raise them up. These are just lame excuses. If you want to that to the children after they are born than why do you even conceive them or have them in the first place. First think of the pros and cons and the living standards and what will happen after this child is born and then conceive them or make this decision.

The state should have a hold on this because when the child grows up with this environment and they don’t know what to do and they are not given the nourishment and those needs that are supposed to be met then the after effects could be even worse. Nobody would accept them. They won’t know how to go with the world, what are ups and downs out there. Basically they would know nothing. They would be a living thing with no brain and no mind and no actions.

So for the good future of the children and for their betterment the state should intervene when the parents or the caregiver have crossed their limits in neglecting. Neglecting can have very long and very dreadful after effects. This is a matter of an individual’s entire life. Child neglect can result into some harmful side effects. If cannot only make the child weak physically but also emotionally. It causes them to shake form inside. When a child doesn’t get enough stimulation early in life, the brain may develop differently. “That changes all kinds of functions, including the ability to form and maintain relationships,

So the children should be given to the state so then they can be treated, trained and they can have successful lives and they can forgot their past as soon as they can and then they can get busy in their lives and also they have a purpose in their lives to do something and to achieve something. These kids don’t have enough courage to stand against their parents and show out for help. These kids need someone to speak up for them, they need love, they need care, and they need the feeling of being worthy.

According to me, I think that the state should intervene in this matter and it is the right act to do. These innocent souls should not be punished for life. Everyone have the right to live and have his or her part in world. No human is waste on earth. If nobody bothers to care for the kids who are punished for being born, they will all die. If a real parent gets heartless and don’t care for kids, their kids should be given to a loving and caring foster families who will love them a lot and replace all of their past tears with a huge smile and happy life. It is like a fire which doesn’t have smoke coming out but burning from inside.

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